Sunday, August 23, 2020

Movies Everyone Hates... But I Love

*This post is meant to be a second part of the previous one, so go check it out in case you haven't already.*

Welcome back! I'm hoping everyone is having a nice Sunday. For today's post, I will be giving a continuation to last week's post. In that one I wrote about movies I hated that everyone seems to love. This time is for the movies I love, despite a lot of people hating them. 

It's a yes from me Poster | SimonDaCow | Keep Calm-o-Matic

This post won't bring so much tea as the last one, but a little more love and appreciation. I hope you enjoy it as well, but please don't judge me over my selections. After all, it's all just a matter of taste. 

Let's get started!!!

#1 "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory"

Pin on Willy Wonka and Charlie Bucket, Violet Beaugarde, Veruca ...
Violet was my spirit animal. 
Sorry not sorry. 

Okay, hear me out! The original will always be the best one, obviously. It has the songs, the charm, the childhood nostalgia, and the built-in sets. But I think the Tim Burton version gets too much hate. I wasn't a fan of Johnny Deep's acting, but still- the movie is beautiful! It's plot is closer to the book's, much more than the original. Side characters were better developed (in my opinion) and the dark traits of the four villain children were more fleshed out. I really appreciated how these four rascals (Violet, Mike, Augusts and Veruca) took the screen by storm. My only problem with this movie is the flashblack scenes and the too-long ending. Aside from that, I love this movie a lot! 

#2 The "Star Wars" Prequels 

This Heroic Furry Got Anakin Skywalker To Sign A Jar Of Sand
Oh my god.

Yes, I know Jar Jar Binks is the most annoying character in the history of humanity. Yes, the quotes are not always the best (looking at you Anakin with your hate towards sand). Nonetheless, the prequels of the "Star Wars" franchise get too much hate in my opinion. The score is majestic, most of the battle effects look great, Obi Wan steals the hearts of the viewers, how Anakin descended into the dark side was heartbreaking, and Padmé delivers both strength and vulnerability beautifully. The plot is not always the best, but it doesn't develop as bad as people make it out to be. 

#3 "Avatar"

New Avatar 2 set photos show Kate Winslet, Zoe Saldana and Sam ...
I wanted to shoot at some colonialists too.
Just saying. 

It isn't the best movie, I know. Some people say it's like a remake of "Pocahontas", and they're not far from reality. But still, "Avatar" is still great! It teaches some very valuable lessons about respecting nature and becoming one with it. It has some amazing action sequences, and the visuals are breathtaking. Also, this concept of the humans taking the shape of the aliens' bodies was super cool in my opinion. I do get why a lot of people don't like it, but I do. I rest my case. 

#4 The "Ghostbusters" 2016 Remake 

Box Office: 'Ghostbusters' Is (Sadly) A Disappointment

I agree that the originals were better in many ways. I also agree that many of the remake's jokes didn't work. But I do believe this remake is important in its own way. First of all, it is extremely important for female heroes to continue appearing on the screen; I saw pictures of the movie's premiere, and it was heartwarming and inspiring to see so many young little girls dressed as the Ghostbusters. Second, the dynamic among the four women was great! Their history together was believable and at some points relatable, and I loved their chemistry. Last but not least, I liked how the black member of the group received more recognition and participation in this take of the story, compared to the originals. 

#5 "Charlie's Angels" 2019 Sequel

✓ Charlie's Angels (2019) | DOWNLOAD LINKS (mkv) 350mb [srv2 ...
I wanted to be one of Charlie's Angels when I was a kid. 
I said what I said. 

Yes, this movie is a sequel. People were expecting to see a movie like the ones with Lucy Liu, Cameron Diaz and Drew Barrymore, which I believe affected their perception of the movie before it was even released. Also, people judged Kristen Stewart way too harshly, and all because of her role in the "Twilight" franchise, without even giving her the benefit of the doubt. I think people jumped into the hate wagon way too fast, and I even heard comments saying that because they weren't very tall or all white, they didn't look like Angels... they do know that Lucy Liu wasn't white either, right?? Anyways, I thought the movie was super fun, smart, with a great soundtrack, and a beautiful message of sisterhood. 

#6 "Bee Movie"

6 'totally legitimate' reasons Bee Movie is the greatest film of ...
Barry B. Benson was a whole mood. 

I was surprised when I learned that many people hate this movie. But then again, it's all a matter of taste. I love every single aspect of "Bee Movie" from the dialogues, the lessons, the visuals, the plot and much more. I actually learned a lot about bees and their importance watching this movie, as it had never been taught to me before. I do get why some people don't like it though, especially considering the weird "romance" between the bee protagonist and the human (even though I never saw it as a romance). Nevertheless, it remains one of my favorite animated movies of all time. 

#7 "Clash of the Titans" 2010 Remake 

Clash of the Titans (2010) Film Review | ireckonthat
Be still my heart!

Again, this was another one that took me by surprise when I learned that many people don't like it. I adore this movie to pieces! Even though it's yet another inaccurate representation of Greek mythology in many ways, it was still an amazing journey. I'll never be over the way the Kraken looked when it was about to eat Princess Andromeda, and how Perseus saved her. Also, the Medusa incarnation in this movie was perfect, equally beautiful and frightening. 

#8 "Watchmen"

Deadpool Creator Rob Liefeld Says Watchmen Movie Is Better Than ...
I wanted to be Silk Specter just so I could
wear those high-heeled boots. 

Of course the comic was better! But the movie did try its best, and I appreciate it a lot. The plot didn't change much, which was great (except for the way the ending was executed). The acting was not always the best, true, but it wasn't as bad as people make it seem. It had some very fun sequences, a brilliant opening scene, and it introduced many people (myself included) to the dark and complicated world of the Watchmen. I don't believe it deserves all the hate it receives when there are even worse adaptations out there- looking at you Percy Jackson! 

#9 "Love Actually"

Love Actually movie (2003) - video dailymotion
So beautiful. 
So misunderstood. 

This romantic comedy starred some known and beloved stars, such as Emma Thompson and late Alan Rickman. This is yet another movie that gets too much hate. Yes, the plot can be a little over the place sometimes. Some lines are just not the best, true. Despite these things and some others though, I love watching this movie. I find it to be heartwarming and heartbreaking at the same time, funny, and sometimes too close to some of my realities. Alan Rickman was brilliant as he always used to be, and Emma Thompson delivered a performance that made me cry. 

#10 "Sucker Punch"

Sucker Punch' fails to connect -
A very dark and misunderstood fairytale. 

Hold on, before you stop reading. "Sucker Punch" is for me a very misunderstood movie. It has an amazing message, delivered in a very smart and sort-of poetic way. I do get why so many people hated it, as it is a very weird movie, and it's kind of hard to comprehend everything the first time you watch it. Nonetheless, the visuals can be breathtaking, and the score is chillingly beautiful. The main girls had a great chemistry among them, the villains were creepy and despicable, the ending was unexpected and heartbreaking, and the metaphors were absolutely brilliant in every way. I believe people ought to give this movie a second chance, and try to appreciate it for that it is. 

Alright, so that would be the end for this Sunday's post. Thank you so much for reading me again, and I'll see you next week. I hope you liked this post, and that you'll come back for more. Stay safe out there! 

P.S I'm still considering writing twice in a week. What do you guys think?  

Sunday, August 16, 2020

Movies Everyone Loves... But I Hate

Simon Cowell... It's a no from me | Laugh, Winky face, Nurse humor

Greetings dear readers. For today's post I want to revisit the movies. I write a lot about books, which I adore doing, but I want to make a balance regarding the topics. Therefore, today we're going on with this train. 

As you can see from the title, today's post will bring some tea, and I know many of you love the tea. Don't try to deny it, I know you do, and I am more than happy to serve that tea. 

Today I will be discussing several movies that lots of people seem to love. Some of them have become part of pop culture, and have a cult following. But for some reasons you'll read later on, I can't seem to like them no matter how hard I try. A quick disclaimer though: I do not mean to offend you or anything with this post. If by any chance you see a movie you like or love in this list, don't take it personal. After all, it's just a matter of taste. 

Without further due, let's SERVE THE TEA.

#1 The "Fantastic Beasts" Franchise 

Fantastic Beasts 3 Has A Title, But Only Some Actors Know It ...
Just... no. 

Words cannot describe how much I loathe "Fantastic Beasts". Even though I am not the biggest Harry Potter fan (if you've read my previous posts you'll know), I can appreciate Harry Potter for what it is. We can't deny the Potter magic is unlike anything else, and has a beautiful charm to it. "Fantastic Beasts" has no charm though. Instead of expanding the magical world of Potter, I just feel they ruined it. They betrayed many rules of magic previously created by Rowling herself. The characters have little to no depth and they contradict their own characterization on multiple instances. Several plot lines basically come out of nowhere, and let's not talk about how McGonagall was shown teaching at Hogwarts when the character hadn't even been born around that time. These movies are a disaster for me and I won't be watching any future installment. 

#2 "Sixteen Candles"

16 Things You Probably Didn't Know About Sixteen Candles
In case you didn't know: 

I used to watch this movie a lot when I was kid. But when I grew up I realized there are many things that are messed up about this movie. From being racist towards Asians, to multiple rape "jokes", this movie is a mess; I don't care if it's a cult classic, it's still a mess. There is a female character, underage I must say, that is the principal victim of the disgusting rape "jokes". For instance, there's a moment when two of the male leads contemplate the possibility of raping her while she is drunk. WHAT THE HELL! I don't care that the movie was made in the 80's, rape is never funny and should never be joked about. And last, the Asian character in this movie is portrayed with many stereotypes, being shown as dumb and as a sort of "project" for the white people he lives with. 

#3 "Alice in Wonderland"- the live action version

All the Best People Are Mad: Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland
This was even worse than "The Lion King" live remake. 

Tim Burton has made many beautiful movies, but this isn't one of them. I like the Wonderland story, from the original books to the Disney animated version. But this Tim Burton take on Alice is a big no for me. For starters, this movie is what many people call "CGI porn". Everything is done with a green screen, there are almost no real scenarios, and even most of the human characters are altered by CGI. I appreciate a lot the types of movies that actually make an effort on building and creating things that look real. "Alice in Wonderland" relies only on crappy CGI effects; they look awful. Furthermore, the characters were not the best. From the Red Queen's head being made ridiculously huge and the Hatter behaving like a creepy idiot, they all left a bad taste in my mouth- except for the Cheshire Cat and the White Queen, I liked those two.

#4 The "Chronicles of Narnia" Franchise 

Netflix reveals 'Chronicles Of Narnia' film, series plans | News ...
James McAvoy was the only thing I enjoyed watching here. 

I won't go too deep into this one because I have written several things about Narnia in the past; if you're interested in what I had to say about it, go back to some of my previous posts. To make it simple and short: the only thing I liked about these movies was the soundtrack. That's it. Yes, the effects were good and the action sequences were decent. But knowing the story as I do, and knowing what the characters represent, I just can't get behind these movies. 

#5 "Maleficent"

Maleficent (2014) - IMDb
I wanted EVIL.

Before you come at me with pitchforks and torches, read first. I have nothing against this movie; I believe Angelina Jolie's performance is beautiful and brilliant, Aurora was given more agency and a voice of her own (which was much needed), and the struggle between the fae and humans was done excellently in my opinion. My problem comes with the title character herself, and not because of Angelina Jolie. When I see the "Sleeping Beauty" animated version, Maleficent is presented as being the Mistress of all Evil, someone so rotten on the inside that she cursed a newborn to die out of spite- that's another level of wickedness. Therefore, I was expecting to see this evil monster take the big screen by storm. Instead, I was given an anti-hero with a sob story. Yes, I can understand her trauma and where her darkness was coming from. But I wanted to see an actual villain, not a misunderstood anti-hero. I've had enough of those stories. And don't even get me started on that sequel.

#6 "365 Days"

An Italian stallion, sweaty romps and mind-blowing bondage – why ...

This shouldn't come as a surprise. A lot of people have said how problematic this movie is, but then there are lots of other people who worship the story. I have nothing against the actors in the movie, but the story is so messed up. How come people are justifying and defending a story where a criminal kidnaps a woman? Since when is that romantic? I don't care two cents how handsome the actor might be, kidnapping is not romantic. He even sexually assaulted her, but there are still people who justifies this kind of behavior. It worries me how our society is normalizing abusive relationships that should never exist in the first place. And honey, if you're actually fantasizing about being kidnapped, stop doing it; most kidnapping victims suffer inhuman things, and you don't want that happening to you. 

#7 "The Kissing Booth" 

Looks Like Netflix Isn't Done With The Kissing Booth Franchise ...
And I thought "Twilight" had the most toxic teenage boyfriends.
I was wrong. 

Yet again, another movie portraying a toxic and even violent relationship. What disturbs me the most about this movie is how many teenagers glorify its main relationship. Sweetie, if no one has ever told you then let me be the first to so: violence comes in many ways in a relationship, it isn't limited to physical assault. When someone controls you, makes a scene out of jealousy and treats you like garbage, that is violence too. The male lead was manipulating that girl, and controlling every aspect of her life. Honey, if that isn't a major red flag, then I don't know what it is. 

#8 "Finding Dory"

Finding Dory' Setting and Plot Details Revealed | Hollywood Reporter
Find yourself and mind your own damn business. 

My problem with this movie is simple: it was unnecessary. I believe the story ended up pretty well in the first installment, so I don't really see the point of this sequel. It added nothing interesting for me, and it used the same formula as its predecessor: the obnoxious fish gets lost, and some others try to find it going through many obstacles to do so. For me it was as if I was watching the same movie twice. Just like "The Little Mermaid 2", this movie should not have been created. 

#9 "Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle"

Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle takes an old concept in an ...
The cringe with this movie is real. 

Good lord... why? The first "Jumanji" was perfect. It had the correct amount of magic, drama, mystery, comedy and adventure. It was a perfect formula, plus having late Robin Williams as the main character was a great delight. It was a beautiful movie, period. But then the sequel came out... and I hated every second of it. I do get the point of turning the board game into a video game, that's not my issue. I didn't mind all the characters being sucked into this world either. But what ruined this movie for me was the tasteless humor. I hate it so much when movies use this type of over-the-top humor; they make me feel stupid. The Jumanji world according to Alan (Robin Williams) in the first movie was a scary and highly dangerous place; in the sequel, it's just another place to have an adventure with The Rock. The drama and mysteriousness that surrounds the first movie is completely gone. There were many crappy and uncomfortable jokes, and the plot was not the best. I honestly fell asleep during my first watch, and I had to see it again. 

#10 The "Step Up" Franchise 

Step Up Franchise to Continue as YouTube Series
These movies are for me the equivalent to "Fast and Furious": 
lots of show, no real plot. 

Man, where do I begin? First, the plot in these films I feel is recycled, and it's not the best. The characters are mostly teenagers full of angst and rebelliousness (they don't even look like teenagers), the adults are incompetent, and the whole franchise is ruled by one specific attitude I personally loathe: "I am better than you and everyone here, and I'm gonna prove it now." Then they proceed to make an over-sexualized dance routine where they "prove" they are "the best". Yeah... I'm not a fan of this attitude at all. It comes off as petty, self-entitled, arrogant, and out of place. 

Alright, so that would be all for today! I hope you guys enjoyed reading this post and I'll see you next week. If you liked it, leave a comment here or in my Instagram page @emabooks_stuff 

P.S I'm considering writing twice a week. Let me know if you'd like that!

Sunday, August 9, 2020

My Small Problem With the "Umbrella Academy"

Umbrella Academy color by alfret on DeviantArt
Fan art from the comics. 
Credits to Alfret. 

Greetings everyone! For today's post, as you can see, I will be discussing some elements about "The Umbrella Academy", a series of comics written by Gerard Way and illustrated by Gabriel Bá. 

Before I write anything else, I just want to make something clear: I love "The Umbrella Academy" and its Netflix adaptation. I just have some opinions that might be unpopular about it, but that doesn't mean I hate it. With that said, let's begin! 

If you haven't read the comics or seen the series, here is a quick synopsis. WARNING: SPOILERS AHEAD.  

One normal day, 43 women around the world became pregnant and immediately gave birth at the same time. These 43 babies were each born with special powers. A rich, eccentric man named Reginald Hargreeves found and adopted (more likely bought) 7 of these children. He gave each of them a number for a name, which represented how valuable they were to him according to their powers; also, these numbers represented the order they were born. Six of the children were trained and formed the Umbrella Academy, a superhero group; the last child, a girl, was lead to believe from birth that she was powerless. 

When the children grew up, the group split after the death of #6. Several years after this event, the Umbrella Academy came together again after the death of their "father" Reginald Hargreeves. From there the story continues, with the adventure and danger rising every time. This isn't your typical superhero story: it's extremely gory, dark, with deep psychological themes, and heroes who are not very good people, to say the least. Which is why I love this story so much! 

Now, before I go into what I don't like, I'd like to briefly share what I do like. First, the artwork in the comics. This story is beautiful not only in the written content, but also in the drawings that represent the story and characters. Gabriel Bá did an amazing job drawing these characters, and everything looks so gorgeous! 

Second, I adore the characters. Each of the members of the Umbrella Academy has some serious, unsolved issues since childhood. They were psychologically and sometimes physically abused by their "father" since the beginning, as he looked at them as mere objects. They were never treated as human beings, nor did they grew up feeling loved or welcomed. Therefore, we have a group of very unstable adults who as I mentioned are not very good people. They are: 

#1 Luther Hargreeves, Spaceboy 

I want her leather jacket so bad 🙌🏻 . . . #umbrellaacademy #theumbrellaacademyart #umbrellaacademyart #theumbrellaacademy #rumor #rumorart…
Left comic. Right Netflix. 
Credits to C.B.F.

A ruthless leader, Spaceboy's head is attached to a gorilla's body, as a result of an accident that nearly cost his life- long story. His powers include super strength and high resistance. 

#2 Diego Hargreeves, The Kraken

By: instagram comics_Books_forever #Diego #Theumbrellaacademy ...
Credits to C.B.F.

The Kraken is not the best following orders, specially coming from his brother. His ability is holding his breath for countless hours, and is also very good at throwing knives- he never fails. 

#3 Allison Hargreeves, The Rumor 

Rumor has it . . . #umbrellaacademy #artist #artistsoninstagram ...
Credits to C.B.F.

Narcissistic, manipulative, and in full control. Allison has the power to alter reality by speaking lies. By the saying the phrase "I heard a rumor..." and adding what she wants to happen, her lies will become real. 

#4 Klaus Hargreeves, The Seance 

comicbooksforever Tumblr blog with posts -
Credits to C.B.F.

An emo in the comics, a flamboyant self-destructive man in the series. Klaus can communicate with the dead, use his body as a conduit for them, and as long as he's barefoot he can fly and move objects with his mind. 

#5 The Boy 

Number 5 . . . #umbrellaacademy #artist #artistsoninstagram #art ...
Credits to C.B.F. 

He was never given a proper name, having run away from home before that. The Boy is able to control time, allowing him to teleport and time travel. Extremely smart and extremely sadistic.  

#6 Ben Hargreeves, The Horror 

The Horror. . . #umbrellaacademy #artist #artistsoninstagram #art ...
Credits to C.B.F. 

Poor Ben... His power was the ability to summon giant, monstrous tentacles from his chest. He's dead by the beginning of the series. 

#7 Vanya Hargreeves, The White Violin 

Aqui podrán encontrar:  •One Shots.♥️ •Zodiaco.🌟 •Preferences.✨ •Fon… #fanfic # Fanfic # amreading # books # wattpad
Credits to C.B.F. 

She's the most powerful and dangerous of the Academy. At first she thought she had no powers, as her "father" led her to believe so. He sensed the danger and tried to stop it, in the worst way possible; he caused Vanya years of self-doubt, isolation, low self-esteem, and pain. Vanya's power is transforming music into power waves, which are quite destructive. 

Now, the Netflix adaptation is pretty great as well. It has some awesome special effects, the music is perfect, and the cast does a terrific job portraying the psychological issues of their characters. I would definitely recommend it if you love the superhero genre. 

But... there is one thing I don't like from the series. This section will also be full of SPOILERS! 

My problem with "The Umbrella Academy" in Netflix is pretty simple: they messed up the powers of three of its members. They changed them, making some of them only a shadow of what they really are. To be more specific: 

1- Klaus as I already mentioned above, has some very strong psychic abilities, from telekinesis and mediumship to flying. But in the Netflix series, his powers are rendered to merely speaking with the dead and giving them to ability to touch again... that's it. You're telling me that one of the most powerful members of the Academy is left as the weakest for no apparent reason? I have no problem whatsoever in his personality change, but why did they have to change his powers? WHY????

2- Allison is also very powerful in the comics. Do you know how much that woman could do with the proper lies? She can alter reality itself; it has a limit, of course, but that doesn't make her any less powerful. She could say "I heard a rumor that your car exploded" and it would immediately happen. In the series, her powers are limited to just mind control; for example "I heard a rumor that you shot your friend in the foot". Yes, it's still powerful and cool, but I feel like her true potential was too limited and therefore wasted. 

3- Last but not least, Vanya. Her powers in the comics come solely from music. As she plays her violin she turns those musical notes into destructive blasts of power- pretty cool if you ask me. In the series, she's the contrary to her siblings: while Klaus and Allison are underdeveloped, Vanya is overpowered. The source of her power in the series comes from any kind of sound, while also giving her power to fly and control the weather to an extent- she even has some telekinesis! Those three added powers have zero relation to her music abilities, and take the meaning of her name (White Violin) away. I see absolutely no reason why she was rewritten this way. It was too much for me. Sorry not sorry. 

Now, does this mean I hate the Netflix adaptation? No way! I like it a lot actually. I recommend it to a lot of people including my students, some which are very hooked on the series. But I really wish those things I explained had been done the same as in the comics. Yes, I completely understand that in the adaptations of the source material to the screen, some things are going to change; I know this, I'm not stupid. But I strongly believe that are some elements that should remain the same. I do not appreciate how Allison's and Klaus' powers were so undeveloped and wasted, seeing as they had so much potential, and Vanya's powers being so over-the-top. 

I'm still going to watch the series, and I'm waiting patiently for its third season, because even if I have my issues, it's still awesome. You do not have to agree with me, this was just my opinion. I also feel this way with the powers of Scarlet Witch in the MCU, as they very underdeveloped as well. But what's done is done I guess.                                          
                          *unsatisfied mumbling* 

Wishing you all a happy week, and please stay safe out there. 

P.S The comic was better. 

Sunday, August 2, 2020

My Love is Too...

For Colored Girls Who Have Considered Suicide: Shange, Ntozake ...

Once in a while, when you least expect it, there comes something that changes your way of thinking. Something that takes the way you look at things and transforms it completely. For me it came in the shape of a little poetry book called "For Colored Girls Who Have Considered Suicide When the Rainbow is Enuf", by Ntozake Shange. It is a choropoem meant to be not only read but interpreted in theater. It consists of 21 poems, all narrated by one or several black women. 

For Colored Girls...
Picture of the play "For Colored Girls..."

These poems talk about themes such as racism, sexism, abortion, abandonment, infidelity, aids, domestic violence, self love, sexuality, and the divinity that lives inside of us. The poems are narrated by seven women, all of them identified only by color, not by name. These are the lady in blue, lady in green, lady in brown, lady in purple, lady in red, lady in yellow, and lady in orange. Even though the poems are especially written for women, I decided to give them a chance. I didn't know what I would find, but in that uncertainty, I found... beauty, joy, words that seemed to understand me and everything I have been going through. I found a new way to look at myself. 

Part of looking at myself in a new light involved not only what I found in this book, and what I found inside of me. It was also about how I expressed myself, how I made my exterior world reflect what was developing on the inside. I decided I wanted my house to reflect me, my identity, the subtle but significant changes that were happening to me. My house would no longer reflect other people, relatives who no longer live with me; my house would become my sanctuary and safe space. 

To make my house look more like the person I was becoming, I decided I would paint phrases that would comfort me when I needed it the most. Feeling lonely most of the time can be hard to say the least, so these phrases would remind me of: who I am, what I want, what I deserve, and what I would never allow anyone to do to me ever again. Therefore, I took some of my favorite verses from "For Colored Girls...", the ones that spoke to me the most. 

For colored girls who have considered suicide / when the rainbow ...
Play "For Colored Girls..."

One of my many flaws is that I can be quite unkind and even cruel with myself, and I can sometimes give my love to people who don't deserve it or don't know what to do with it. In this process, I often forgot that my love is not something trifle or unimportant, and that loving myself might be difficult but it's one of my most important tasks. 

Considering this, I took the verses from the poem "No More Love Poems #4". I bought some acrylic paint and wrote each of these verses in several walls of my house, using the color of the lady reciting them. I watch these verses everyday, and they make me feel so warm and comforted. I remind myself everyday through these verses that I am enough, that I am art even if there is no one to appreciate it. 

These verses are: 

My love is too DELICATE to have thrown back on my face

I often pretend I am tougher than I really am. I can be cold, distant... I forget that my love is a delicate thing. It's not wrong to be vulnerable, and to harden myself too much would be the end of such love. I must protect my love of course, because it's delicate, but not so delicate that it can't come outside and show itself to the world. 

Lotus Flower Care ⋆ FloraQueen
"The flower that blooms in adversity is the most rare
and beautiful of all."

My love is too BEAUTIFUL to have thrown back on my face: 

My love is not something to be thrown to the curve. It isn't something to be forgotten, cast way like an old, ugly piece of furniture. My love is beautiful! My love is pure beauty, and it should be treated as such. My love is a precious jewel of high quality- period. Beauty of course is relative, but for me my love will always be precious. 

Here's Why Diamond Industry is Being Hammered
Enough said. 

My love is too SANCTIFIED to have thrown back on my face: 

Long have I sought for what was missing in me, always thinking it was another person I should be looking for. It was only recently that I realized I don't have to look anywhere else, since I am the one I have been looking for. I have a divinity inside of me, full of power and grace. My love is sanctified, my love is pure because I found it in myself. 

I called on the goddess & found her within myself..WILD WOMAN ...

My love is too MAGIC to have thrown back on my face: 

Often I am rejected or looked down upon for the things that make me who I am. My love for books, my passion for music, my need for a deeper connection, my goals in life... these and many more things are the ones that make me the person I am. I am not hiding who I am anymore: my quirkiness, my eccentricity, my passion, my magic. Those who don't believe in magic will never find it, or be able to appreciate it. 


My love is too SATURDAY NIGHT to have thrown back on my face: 

My body is not something I am ashamed of anymore. I still crave a gentle and loving touch, a caring whisper at night, words full of love, and sometimes yes- a little bit of action and fun. My love involves my sexuality, the infinite experience of fulfillment and physical joy. Enjoying my body and sexuality is not wrong; my love can come with pleasure, and there is no shame in that. 

lana del rey quotes | Displaying (16) Gallery Images For Lana Del ...

My love is too COMPLICATED to have thrown back on my face: 

I will not be silent about the things that bother me. I will never again be the victim to someone else's twisted idea of love. If speaking my mind makes me complicated, then so be it. My voice belongs to me only, and my life as well. Sometimes I want to be accompanied, and other times alone. Sometimes I want things to stay the way they are, and sometimes I just want to burn the world to the ground. I'm scared but I'm brave. I'm strong but at times I feel weak. Some days I feel I can take on the world, and others I just want to hide away. My storm is not something that can be tamed, only understood. 

You said you liked storms so I let you in. Turns out you can only ...

My love is too MUSIC to have thrown back on my face: 

Many times I have expressed my feelings through songs. They allow me to transmit my ideas in a better way. I have found myself in songs, I have related to their messages, and they have brought me comfort more times than I can count. My love is full of music; sometimes it's sad, others calm, or angry, melancholic, joyful, or romantic. This love of mine only moves to the rhythm of my own music, not anyone else's. 

Aesthetic Music Wallpapers - Wallpaper Cave

This house project of mine is not finished. I still have many other verses to write, verses that inspire me and remind me of the importance of self love. Verses that remind me there's more inside of me than what people can perceive, that there is so much more I can give. To summarize, these words send me a daily, constant message: as long as you have yourself to count on, there's nothing in this world that can stop you. 

Even if poetry is not your favorite genre, I highly recommend you give "For Colored Girls..." a try. The messages presented in these poems are so much more than the ones I wrote about. You might even find something soothing for your soul, something that appeals to you personally. Whatever it is you find here, I hope it brings you as much joy as it brought to me. Thank you Ntozake Shange for everything you did for us all through your beautiful words; you'll never be forgotten. 

Two Sister-Poets Gone Too Soon: Ntozake Shange and My Sister | The ...
Ntozake Shange. 
Such a beautiful soul. 

P.S Damn, my house looks pretty! 

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