Sunday, October 18, 2020

Halloween Creatures Book Tag!

It's been a while since I've done a book tag, and I thought: why not do it now? 

I found this tag searching online for Halloween tags and I loved it! It's fun, creative and it gives you the chance to find out about books you might have not known before. It was created by Anthony @ Keep Reading Forward so make sure to check his page as well. 

For this tag, there will be a quick list of 13 questions based on a creature typically associated with Halloween. Each of the questions is either answered with a book or book character, but the answers are not necessarily associated with Halloween; as long as they're answering the questions, then they're fine. 

Let's get started! 

1- Witch: A magical character or book. 

This book is so magical, so beautiful and enchanting. It's full of witches in every corner, and a magic system that is so beautiful to read about. The descriptions are enchanting and breathtaking, and I will praise Danielle Paige for the rest of my days for her unique touch to the land of Oz. It's still one of my favorite books, and I reread it every now and then. The rest of the series is also full of magic and witchy fun, except for Glinda- she's a heinous monster.  

2- Werewolf: The perfect book to read at night. 

This book and its sequels are just perfect for night reading. They're creepy, very creepy. There are monsters in every corner, fun mysteries and cool, magical abilities. The vintage pictures included in the books makes them even better and creepier. The movie adaptation sucked, but the book is one hell of a marvelous ride. I haven't read past the third book yet, but I'm planning on doing so very soon. 

3- Frankenstein: A book that truly shocked you. 

Three triplets born in a magical island, with one of them meant to rule and the others to die. The tradition establishes that they must be separated from each other at a young age, only to be reunited at 16 to kill each other for the throne. The level of darkness and violence in this book shocked me to the core, and I never imagined that someone could create such a dark (but amazing) tale. It was a very twisted story- believe me, I enjoyed every second of it. 

4- The Devil: A dark or evil character. 

This lady is Marisa Coulter from Philip Pullman's "His Dark Materials". She's not the devil, she actually works for the church- and that's precisely what makes her so dangerous. She kidnaps children to cut their daemons from them; I remind you that in this world, daemons are people's souls that walk beside them in the shape of animals, which shape/species reflect their personalities. Cutting away a child's daemon means sure death for most of them. The ones who survive remain as mere shells of the people they used to be, completely subjected to the will of the church, without feelings such as desire, love or true happiness, or most important of all: free thinking. 

Mrs. Coulter is a very complicated character, to the point where even her villain status is dubious at times. She changes sides as she pleases or finds convenient; she's a good mother for a moment, and an abusive monster the next; a feme fatale who uses her seduction abilities to gain power and manipulate men; at the end, a self-abusive woman with a thirst for power, and no morals. 

5- Grim Reaper: A character that never should have died. 

Lord Eddard Stark... goddammit. I still cry with his death. It just wasn't fair, period. He was a loving husband, an amazing father, and an honest man through and through. He was a pure person, with only goodness inside of him. I miss him a lot, and I don't care if he's fictional. 

6- Zombie: A book that made you hungry for more. 

This entire trilogy DESTROYED me! It was amazing, and I want and NEED MORE! It's about this world where superheroes do exist, and they have created this whole society system that seems awesome at first, but pretty soon you can see the cracks on it. I usually don't like reading about superheroes, but this trilogy is so perfect; I even created a playlist for it on my iTunes account. 

7- Gargoyle: A character that you would protect at all costs. 

Credits of the fan art are for Ida V. You can find her on 

This girl right here is Bryce Quinlan from Sarah J. Maas' "Crescent City". I love Bryce with my life, and I think I would be friends with her if I was a fictional character in her world. Bryce struggles a lot with her mental health, which is something I can relate to completely. She loves with her life and more, but she feels underserving of love. Bryce would give her life for her friends, which is something I would do as well. She's fun, independent, confident in her body and full of passion. I will protect her at all costs, so help me Jesus. 

8- Vampire: A book that sucked the life out of you. 

This is the fourth book in the "Red Queen" series by Victoria Aveyard. This book sucked the life out of me and I almost died. Not because it was bad; it was actually quite the contrary! I adored this book! It was so intense, and I loved every scene. Every quote, every action moment, every epic event was divine. Also, the character development present in this book was beyond beautiful. I almost died several times reading it, and I'm thankful for it. 

9- Ghost: A book that still hunts you. 

This story messed me up so badly man. Especially Claudia's story, which was tremendously tragic and sad for me. I don't think I'll ever be over this book, but I don't mind. It's one of the most beautifully written stories I've ever read, and Anne Rice is one marvelous author; she's a genius with words. Lestat, Louis and Claudia will always be with me no matter where I go. 

10- Demon: A book that really scared you. 

I know "The Lord of the Rings" is not exactly a horror book; it's actually high fantasy. Nevertheless, this book gave me a bad juju from the start. All this mess with the Ring and the Dark Lord Sauron, mixed with the Nazgul, Gollum, the cave troll, the orcs and Saruman made me afraid of the dark as an adult. I am not joking. And the chapters dealing with that goddamn cave...HELL TO THE NO. Those chapters were incredibly descriptive, and I admit I was scared reading them. Besides, there was a demon-like creature in this book, so yeah. 

11- Skeleton: A character you have a bone to pick with. 

Hawley Griffin, also known as the Invisible Man, was part of the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. His permanent invisible status made him a very valuable asset to the team. The problem? He was a rapist. The League actually caught him in the act of raping a young girl; he, of course, used his ability to do this horrible act. In the second volume of the series, he ended up betraying the League to the invading aliens. In other words, he was a major asshole. 

12- Mummy: A book you would preserve throughout time. 

Not only are "The Hunger Games" very entertaining, but they teach several important lessons which I think we would be stupid to forget. For me, "The Hunger Games" is a cautionary tale: this could happen if we as a society are not careful with the paths we take. I'm terrified of a future where things like the ones in these books could happen. Besides all of this, the books present important survival skills in hostile environments, which I will need when the zombie apocalypse arrives.

13- Creepy Doll: A cover too scary to look at. 

For me, any cover version of this book is scary, creepy, and bound to be burned. It gives me a serious case of bad juju, leaving me thinking only of the clown's teeth. Like I said in last week's post: f*** you Pennywise. If the cover is scary, you really don't want to experience that's waiting on the inside. 

THE MONSTER MASH: For this part, I was supposed to tag my friends. but my friends don't have blog accounts. Therefore, if my friends are reading this post, I invite you to reflect upon these questions and come up with your own answers- even if you don't share them. 

Now, that's all for today! I hope you guys enjoyed. I was planning on writing a more complex post today, longer actually. But I'm currently divided between doing my house chores and preparing my classes for this week, so I had to go for something simple. Hopefully next week I'll be able to do better. As always, thank you for reading me and I'll see you guys next Sunday. 

P.S. I can't wait for Halloween. 

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